Every person across the world is much aware of the spread of pandemic novel coronavirus. COVID-19 becomes a threat to the world. The outbreak is so scary that it took lives every day.
Presently there are 14,31,706 cases in the world and the number is increasing very fast. So it’s very crucial to have the right amount of knowledge to get protection from this disease.
Before going ahead we must know what coronavirus is?
COVID-19 is a viral disease which is caused by a newly found coronavirus. The virus causes respiratory illness in humans.
At the very first it started in 2019 in Wuhan, China. This causes major damage to the human body organs. Presently 196 countries come under the effect of this virus.
It is quite difficult to analyze the corona affected person, for that we must know the symptoms of the coronavirus. Here are the symptoms of COVID-19:
- Cough
- Cold
- Sore throat
- Respiratory issues.
- High fever
- Breathing difficulties.
In such a tough situation, it’s very important to give the best services to the customers and make them happy. If you are running a successful business, panic is not the right way of handling such a critical situation. Instead of this, use some precautionary measures to keep yourself, staff and clients, safe.
The world health organization has recommended some precautionary measures to be safe from such pandemic disease as there is no cure yet.
In the present situation, some businesses are still open due to the daily needs of the users like grocery stores, pharmacies, hospitals, government offices and some more. So it is the responsibility of owners to keep every client safe in the queue while shopping. Having safe queues during quarantine is another level of difficulty.
You can manage everything with the queue management software. Here in this article, we are going to review the tips to make the queuing process safe from COVID-19.
Best Ways to Keep the Queuing Process Secure from Coronavirus
Enable Digital Queuing
This is the digital era. Almost everything is done online. To manage the queues is the best way to allow your customers to manage queues effectively digitally.
Customers can send their contacts. So that they get a reminder of their turn on the day. With this, they can wait in the safety of their homes or cars until their turn comes. Staff members will send you a message or email about your turn timely.
If you use or plan in a queue management system, inquire about the remote queuing possibilities. The major concern of virtual queuing is to empty the lobbies as much as possible.
Keep the Facility Healthy and Clean
It is important to keep the staff safe from such chronic disease. Customers and staff are the two pillars of the business. No business can sustain without it. So their health is very important for you.
Give some guidelines to your staff. You can provide them with some assistance and adequate training to the team members to stop spreading disease. Here are some tips that you can give to staff:
- Encourage your sick staff members to stay at home.
- Understand the employees who may be required to stay at home if a family member is not well.
- Give them travel guidelines.
- Review the human resources policies to make sure that they are consistent with public health recommendations as well as with the existing state.
- Suggest them to take good diets to strengthen their immune system.
- Staff must clean their hands after touching anything.
- Recommend them to use alcohol-based sanitizer.
All businesses owners should comply with the above given action plans and practices.
Maintain Social Distance
Reducing social interaction is the best way to handle the situation and keep the distance while standing in the queue.
Suggest your customers to keep the distance of at least two meters from each other. You can use some special marks with spacing measures so that they can stand at the right distance. Floor markers are the best solution for this.
Generally, supermarkets and pharmacists are using this technique to maintain a safe distance from one another.
Suggest the clients to do digital payment rather than cash. As touching money, can also become the cause of the spreading bacteria.
For some reason if you have to take cash wear gloves and suggest the clients to wear gloves. And have the tissues nearby in respect of social distancing.
Increase Social Media Presence
Your customers are already using social media. Globally 3.08 billion people are using social media. So it is the biggest platform to connect with a large number of audience. But after analysis of the present situation, people like to check the social networking site more often to get the latest updates.
With this, you can also contact your clients through the social sites. You can update them with the latest real content. It can be helpful to increase your posting frequency to ensure you are showing up in their latest news feeds.
Give Self-care Tips to Clients
Self-care is very important in a chronic situation. Presently maximum countries are in the lockdown situation. So the customers can’t reach every day to buy small things. But to keep them engaged and help them you can give them self-care tips like:
- To do the exercise.
- To consume a more vitamin-rich diet so that they can keep their immune system strong.
- More consumption of the water to be hydrated.
It helps to build the trust in the eye of your customer.
Clean the Area with an Antibacterial Product
It’s important to keep everything around you bacteria-free. All the hard surfaces like door handles, tables, chairs, reception, washrooms within your office and team areas should be cleaned with the anti-bacterial products regularly. So that you can maintain the hygiene of the organization. Bring the anti-bacterial wipes on the tables so that they can clean their hands before touching anything.
Suggest Diet Plan
It is very essential to keep yourself healthy and keep the immunity strong. For that, you can guide your customers with a good diet plan.
After the recommendation of a dietitian, you can post the diet on social media like Facebook, Instagram, etc. to give awareness about the diet. Also, guide some exercise for homes like yoga, Zumba, etc.
Customer Guidelines to Stay Healthy
Client health is a very crucial part. It is very important to follow the instructions to keep your customers healthy and safe.
Here are some tips to take care of your customers in a mannered way!!
- Ask clients to postpone the appointments ahead if they are not feeling well. You can do this by sending them an SMS reminder message.
- Provide tissues and hand sanitizers in the entrance of the office.
- Train the team to perform routine cleaning more than once.
- Answer the queries of the clients concerning safety.
- Give them a reference of the health expert.
Communicate Guidelines for Employees
Communication is much needed in such times. Most of the clients are concerned about their health and workplace safety. With the interim guidelines, you can help them in their health decisions for families and safety in the workplace.
Try to advise employees about the concerning circumstances under which they should not report to work. Communicate them if they are not feeling well and try to find out the related reasons. Specify any leave available to them in the event of a COVID-19 related absence.
Guidelines About Transport
It’s important to manage the transport as you and your clients have to travel from one place to another. To keep everything clean and in good condition, always keep in mind clean or disinfect the things while travelling. If you are using the transport goods other than foods where there are chances of contamination. Make your things bateria free before delivery.
Take Care of Packaging
As it is an infected virus it can spread by touching the things around you. So it’s important to take care of the packaging.
Guide the staff to sanitize the things first before delivering to the clients. Therefore, every material should be ‘deep clean’.
It is advised to follow all the necessary precautions to workers in the premises along with the exclusion of co-workers who are close contacts (anyone who has spent more than 15 minutes within 2 meters of an infected person) is in the line of infection.
Wrapping Up
Above we have discussed some of the best ways to make the queuing process secure with COVID-19. Some tips will be very helpful for your organization and clients to protect from chronic disease. Most countries are in the lockdown situation, so being a responsible business owner it’s important to help your society and bring positivity across the globe. This will help to build the trust of the workers and clients that you are concerned about them.
Your small effort can save someone’s life.
Hopefully, this article will give you the best knowledge.
Your suggestions and queries are welcome. Feel free to ask in the comment section below.
Thank you for reading!!
Stay healthy and stay safe!!