Umrah is known as the Lesser Muslim Pilgrimage to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia undertaken with the utmost religiosity and spiritual spirit. Both Islamic pilgrimages of Hajj and Umrah are performed in the Muslim holiest Arab city of Mecca. The Arab cities of Makkah and Medinah are commemorated with immense esteem among the Muslims. These twin Arab cities are the cornerstone of Islam and the home of their last Holy Prophet Mohammad (SAW).
When you get to know about the charismatic wonders of Mecca’s Epicenter, you would observe that this Muslim Holiest Place is filled with never-ending crowds of reward seekers who gather to perform their Hajj and Umrah. Despite of its intense summer weather conditions, the upfront followers resume their Spiritual activities with their devoted hearts and souls. So if you are an able-bodied staunch and well off Muslim, pay your spiritual visitation in the coming summer holidays to observe and experience the soul-soothing spiritual showers of the holiest site on earth. Make these Summer Holidays everlastingly cheery through your memorable Spring Umrah.

Summer Umrah and Health-Related Matters
Summers are undoubtedly hot in Saudi territory. So the Arab Kingdom super actively takes precautionary measures to ensure the sound health conditions of the Saudi dwellers and guest pilgrims alike. The inhabitants here enjoy the commendable health services in the country. They normally need no international aid in this very matter.
Moreover, there are numerous notable Arabian measures installed in the Haram to control or reduce the heat strokes of the blazing hot summer sun. Along with it, there are various Tree Plantation projects for shading purposes and extensive networks of water supplies to come up with dehydration issues.
Precautionary Measures for Pilgrim Intakes
Besides the appreciable Internal Measures, the Saudi Govt. efficiently controls the intake of the pilgrims from outside the Saudi Arabian world. With the outbreaks of life-threatening bacterial and viral diseases, it has intensified the strictness of the precautionary measures against these painful health problems.
A Super Active Arabian Stance on the Chronic Bacteria-Viral Diseases
Saudi territory doesn’t welcome the pilgrims or visitors with chronic diseases like Cardio-Vascular diseases, respiratory problems, immune failure. In the mandatory requisites for Saudi entry, the Vaccination requirement is an inseparable part of Saudi Policy. The pilgrims for their Hajj and Umrah must produce the evidence of Vaccination against the following diseases

Meningococcal Meningitis (ACWY)
Prior to landing in the Saudi Kingdom, the pilgrims have to produce the vaccination certificate against this dreadful bacterial disease. It must be submitted 10 days before the arrival in the Saudi Kingdom. The vaccination certificate is valid for 3-5 years as per Saudi policy.
Seasonal Influenza
For a safe and sound spiritual en route you must be vaccinated against this viral influenza.
MMR Vaccination
It is also recommended to have your MMR vaccination with you. Some people are also required to produce the vaccination certification against these painful viral diseases of Measles, Mumps, and rubella. Furthermore, some countries are also directed to produce the vaccination against the hepatitis B
Corona Virus and its Symptoms
Nowadays the dreary Corona Virus is the burning global issue and the talk of the town. This Deadliest disease has been originated from the Wuhan, city of China. Now it is prevailing like the wildfire through the infected people across the globe. The Alarming Death tolls have high alerted the World Health Organization to take measures against the prevention and elimination of this horrific viral disease. It has been generated from the frequent consumption of wild animals after their brutal killing.

According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, the symptoms of the Naval Corona Virus coincide with that of normal cough and influenza-like fever, coughing flue, repeated sneezing and shortness of breath.
In the Corona Virus, these symptoms are accentuated and become really Chronic in the form of pneumonia and an acute respiratory syndrome that possibly lead to deathbed.
Corona Virus and Saudi Arabia
Like every responsible State, Saudi Arabia is monitoring the masses day and night. As per their recent reports, no case of the Corona Virus has been reported in Saudi Arabia.
Saudi Measures Against the Corona Virus
Saudi Arabia is burning the midnight oil to maintain a check on the possible threats of this deadly virus. At Saudi Airports, the tight security arrangements are made to screen the passengers arriving from China through direct and indirect flights.
Furthermore, the Corona Virus Awareness sessions have been initiated in Educational Institutes.
The separate Quarantine rooms have also been formed in Saudi hospitals to tackle any unusual or alarming situation.
The Saudi Health Ministry has also founded a command and control center to ensure the initiation of the precautionary measures as directed by the World’s Health Organization (WHO). The Saudi Govt. has also taken initiative to implement the International Health Regulations to support WHO on the global level.

Preventive Measures for the Future Umrah Pilgrims
The Saudi Health Ministry has moved on to the “High Alert Health Security”. The Umrah/Hajj intenders, therefore, are strongly suggested to take great care of their Health, if they intend to embark on their spiritual itinerary for an everlastingly memorable spiritual experience.
In order to do this, you must religiously follow the following must-haves for a safe and Sound Summer Umrah
Ensure All Sorts of Requisite Vaccinations
It is more than important to take great care of all your Vaccination certificates to embark on your Umrah itinerary. Make sure you must remain free from all the harming viral and bacterial diseases. Because they spread rapidly through the breathing coughing and touching of infected persons
Maintain Hygiene
Islam says that Cleanliness is half faith. In order to shield yourself from the threatening viral attack of the Novel Corona Virus. The Maintenance of good hygiene is extremely important for a healthy and energetic life as well. Following friendliest steps must be followed for this
- Wash your hands many times with an anti-bacterial medicated soap. Resume hand washing at least for 20 secs
- Sneeze with your head down. Wash your hands right after coughing and sneezing
- Use tissue paper to wipe your nose and throw the dirty paper in the dustbin
- Highly advised to sneeze in your arms or elbows and avoid using hands.
- Avoid direct contact with the already infected people to have safety.
Foods and Beverages
Don’t consume semi-cooked meat. Consume fruits and vegetables more.
Wash the meat and vegetables thoroughly with water
Drink plenty of Water