World Kindness Day was the 13th of November. But that doesn’t mean you’re finished being kind for another year.
Here are 14 random acts of kindness you can do today, tomorrow and every other day.
- Give compliments
Despite the little bit of embarrassment everyone feels when they get complimented, it’s still lovely to hear.
Compliment your family, friends or even a stranger today and you could brighten their entire day!
Make it a daily challenge to compliment 3 people each day.
- Hype up your other half
Post little notes around the house to give them the pick-me-up they need. Leave a ‘you got this!’ note on the bathroom mirror, a sweet message on their nightstand, you get the idea.
If you’ve not got a partner, leave notes around the neighborhood to inspire complete strangers.
- Donate your old stuff
Toys, old towels, toiletries and clothes you’re no longer using are great charitable donations. It doesn’t always have to be about donating money.
Old towels make great padding for beds at the animal shelter, while your outgrown toys could be gifted to a child in need.
- Surprise someone with baked goods
Who doesn’t love baked goods! Surprise your neighbor with a delicious batch of cookies or muffins. Just remember to check their dietary requirements first! Check here for great gluten free cookie recipes, or here for vegan cupcakes.
- Let someone go in front of you in line at the store
There’s nothing better than when the person doing a full weekly shop recognizes you only have a few items and lets you go in front of them. Be that person.
- Endorse your colleagues on LinkedIn
Got a colleague that’s ready for a promotion or new job? Endorse them on LinkedIn. Better yet, write a recommendation for them.
- Leave feedback about a positive customer service experience
It’s always nice when a customer service enquiry goes smoothly. If you’ve had a positive experience, take those extra few minutes at the end of your call to leave feedback.
- Get everyone involved in the group chat
It can be easy to assume that everyone is engaged and feeling seen in a group chat. But in actual fact, group chats can be really lonely – especially if your messages get seen and ignored. Make sure your friends all feel involved and acknowledged or reach out privately to catch up.
- Write yourself a kind note on your mirror
Don’t forget to keep some of your kindness for yourself!
- Get off your phone
Take in the world around you. Remember to put your phone away when in the company of others and really engage.
- Carry a spare umbrella
Lend it to that one friend that always forgets theirs or donate it to someone who clearly needs it!
- Pick up litter
If you’re already putting something in the bin, pick up any litter that’s around.
- Offer to babysit
Whether it’s your younger siblings or a friend you know hasn’t had a night to themselves in months.
- Compliment someone on their child’s behavior
Give a stranger a proud parent moment. Compliment them on how well behaved their child is.
Kindness is contagious. The more kindness you put out into the world, the more you’ll notice kindness coming your way.