Given its precious nature, gold is highly rated by many people who would also wish to own it. Since ancient times, the acquisition of gold items has been a preserve for very few societies. This group is made up of people who are wealthy and powerful at the same time. With the ever-rising demand for gold, unscrupulous business people have emerged with fake gold. They have preyed on unsuspecting individuals, robbing them of their hard-earned money. Typically, gold is used to make jewelry, gold bars, coins, and many other precious possessions. You can always liaise with genuine gold buyers or sellers to get a good deal when selling or purchasing gold.
Different kinds of gold exist
If you explore the modern jewelry market, you are sure to encounter four different kinds of gold. Colour is a critical factor in distinguishing one type of gold from the other. Depending on the metals used in the alloy mixture, gold can come in different colors, as mentioned below;
· Yellow gold-Yellow gold is made by mixing pure gold with copper, zinc, and silver. With its hypoallergenic quality, this type of gold is considered to have the purest color, and it’s also easy to maintain compared to other gold colors.
· White gold-White gold is made of gold and platinum, also known as palladium. The platinum element in this kind of gold makes it highly resistant to scratch, making it more durable than yellow gold. It is also more affordable.
· Rose gold-Just like the name suggests, rose gold comes in a pink color. This color is achieved when gold is alloyed with copper and silver. Copper is naturally resilient, hence giving it an edge over white and yellow gold in terms of durability.
· Green gold-Green gold is not common like the other kinds of gold mentioned, it is an outcome of electrum being mixed with silver or copper. The presence of silver contributes to the greenish appearance.
Easy ways to test gold authenticity
With the high cost involved in purchasing gold items, it is essential to confirm that what you are acquiring is pure gold. This can save you from the frustration that comes with spending lots of money on what is counterfeit. There is no denying that there is plenty of fake gold circulating in virtually every market or society. By physically looking at the gold, it is hard to tell whether it is real or fake. Mentioned below are reliable ways of determining gold authenticity;
The stamp test
The stamp test is done by looking for hallmarks in a piece of gold jewelry. A hallmark comes in the form of a stamp, and it indicates the gold content and manufacturer. Hallmarks are usually engraved in the less visible places of the gold item. For instance, in places like inside a ring.
The skin test
This is one of the simplest ways to determine gold authenticity. It entails holding a piece of gold jewel between your hands for some time, probably three minutes. Real gold does not cause your skin to discolor, whereas fake gold causes your skin to turn green or blue at the point of contact.
The size and weight test
This test is best applied to gold bars and coins. It involves comparing a piece of real gold with the one you intend to test. Using a set of calipers and a jewel scale, establish any variation in weight and size. If a piece looks larger than its size or light for its size, then know that what you have is fake gold.
The ceramic scratch
Take an unglazed ceramic plate or tile and slightly scrape your piece of gold on its surface. Pure or real gold will leave behind a gold mark, whereas fake gold will leave a black trail.
Possessing a piece of gold can act as a means of investment. Considering its high value, gold items can be sold for a considerable amount of money, which can help in financial challenges. It would be quite disappointing to discover that your gold is fake when you take it for sale. You can apply the tests mentioned in this article and avoid such disappointments.