Costs may be one of the most important considerations but when you are buying a house, you need to pay closer attention. It is generally one of the major life investments and one cannot afford any mistakes. Regrets are of no use when you have already signed the contract.
Most buyers set broader criteria for themselves but when they start touring the house, it is easy to narrow down the criteria. What factors should always be considered when buying a house? Which problems are not a major concern?
As buying a house is a life-changing business, you need a deeper level of deliberation in your quest. Following is a brief detail of 6 important things to look for when buying a house. It is a general list. Each buyer may add their specific requirements before using this list.
It is highly suggested to hire professional inspectors to get an authentic viewpoint on the current condition of the house. Inspection reports help you make informed decisions to avoid the buyer’s remorse.
Let us dive into the details before further due.
1. Prioritize The Location
The first step in buying a house is thinking about your budget limits. One cannot be sure about the budget unless they know the prices of residential properties in their required location.
You can always discuss your budget limits and requirements with a reliable real estate agent. They can provide you current details about the market prices and available properties for sale.
It is not always possible to be able to afford a house in your ideal location. When such is the case make sure to check a few things about house location. Check its proximity to the downtown as it reduces the commute time. Explore the area for nearby schools, health facilities, shopping malls, restaurants, and banks.
2. Look Deeper Than Cosmetic Details
Most of the buyers get stuck in the superficial cosmetic details. Every house seller touches up the cosmetic details to attract potential customers. When you are looking for a house, keep this important piece of information in your mind.
No house is perfect so let the minor details skirmish. The little imperfections are mostly repairable. Cosmetic changes such as interior painting are affordable and easy to make so don’t let it stop you from buying a house.
When you are visiting houses, learn to avoid the clutter. The landscape, hardware, and furnishings in the house do not matter as much as the structural elements such as flooring, foundation, and house walls.
3. Check Condition Of Heating And Cooling System
Never skip assessing the condition of the costly HVAC system of a house. Whatever the house condition may be, you need to make sure the system is working at its best efficiency. The mechanicals of the system should be functioning properly. It is essential for enjoying a consistent indoor thermal comfort.
If you find any issues with the thermostat, exterior unit, condenser coils, air ducts, and refrigerant levels note them down. You can discuss them with the seller and ask for getting them fixed. Some sellers offer credit to get it repaired later. These details will be very helpful in negotiating the prices.
4. Consider Your Long Term Goals
A typical homeowner lives for an average of 14 years before selling the house. Thus it is important not to get stuck in the immediate needs. You should think about your long term goals.
If you are planning to have kids in the future, think about the number of bedrooms, bathrooms, and essential needs in the home. If you anticipate a lot of visitors in your home, think about a guest room.
Assess the outdoor space for safety considerations especially when you have kids. Most people look for houses that are ready to move in so that they can avoid renovation costs. Do you plan on personalizing the space? If yes, is the house fit for changes?
5. Asses The Plumbing System Of Home
The functionality of a home greatly relies on the plumbing system. It is an elaborate system that is connected to your kitchen, bathrooms, backyard, and powder rooms.
Get professional inspectors to check the condition of water and gas pipes. The drainage system and septic tanks should be in good condition. If there are any noticeable issues, steer away from the house or get the prices negotiated.
6. Examine The House Roof For Leaks
Examining the structural elements of a house is one of the most important steps. It is not surprising that the house roof is the top thing to check when buying a house. Look for signs of damage.
Minor damages can be repaired by hiring local roofing contractors and you are good to go. If you see major issues such as roof sagging and widespread roof leak, you will need a roof replacement.