When you’re running an online store, you’ll be motivated to generate as many sales as possible. Each sale operates with a profit margin, and the volume of sales will generally dictate how much you’re making in profits, which you can choose to pocket or to reinvest in your store. This short guide is about the marketing opportunities out there that can help you realize your growth ambitions. Below are three of the key tips you’ll need to get started on marketing your products and your store to more and more consumers.
Targeted Advertising
There’s little doubt that, when it comes to selling products online, targeted advertising is absolutely key. You wouldn’t host a trendy coffee shop in an area of town that isn’t frequented by coffee aficionados. Likewise, you shouldn’t be showing adverts for your products to people who are unlikely to have any interest in purchasing them. Every advert you show to a disinterested consumer wastes money from your marketing budget.
That’s why our first tip is to always use methods that target your advertisements to the consumers you know might be interested in trading with you. That means digging into demographic data on Google, Facebook, and Amazon to find the types of consumers you’re most interested in promoting your products to. That’s how you’ll generate the highest ROI on your marketing spend.
Strategic Partnerships
If you’re running an online store, you’ll have plenty of responsibilities. You’ll manage all aspects of your store, from the uploading of new products to the customer service side of the business. That can leave little time to market professionally and effectively, which often takes many hours per week to perfect and fine-tune.
That’s exactly why the most ambitious online stores make the strategic decision to partner with experts in the field of marketing products online. If you’re selling on Amazon, for instance, a partnership with the experts at Nuanced Media will enable you to outsource some of your marketing responsibilities to the very people who know how best to promote your products on the e-commerce platform.
The use of influencers is particularly relevant to online stores that sell their products to young people. Think here of fashion brands and cosmetic labels. Young people spend the majority of their expendable cash on such items, so they’re the perfect people to target with online promotions. Influencers are the best way to capture the eyeballs of these young consumers, and you’ll find them on YouTube, Twitter, TikTok, and Instagram.
Finding an influencer that you think will do your online store some good can be difficult. The most renowned influencers charge upwards of $10,000 for a post about your products, which may be out of your marketing price range. Instead, look to micro-influencing, finding individuals who have audiences you’re interested in tapping into. Some may post in exchange for free products, while others will charge smaller fees before you decide to set up a contractual relationship with them.
These tips are designed to help ambitious online stores reach the next level in their marketing and advertising activity in 2022.