
Five Marketing Strategies that Turn Off Potential Buyers


Finding ways to promote your business and implement marketing strategies, either online or offline, is like walking in a thin ice sheet. You are always on your toes to see if people will accept your promotional activities and help grow your brand. It is either you will be able to make it on the other side of the shore, or your consumers will hate your marketing strategies like a thin layer of ice breaking under your feet. 

Ineffective marketing strategies turn off your potential buyers, and can also stop generating positive outcomes for your brand. Over time, this can be harmful to your business that may lead to your demise. 

Like the thin sheet of ice, there is a fine line between encouraging your customers to take the necessary action to connect with your brand and the process of the over encouraging them to make the same response. When done in the wrong way, any of your marketing strategies could affect your brand negatively.  

If you have been doing some marketing strategies these days only to find out that your customers are trailing off, you might be doing something to drive them away. In this article, you can find five marketing strategies that are pushing your potential buyers away instead of drawing them closer to your company.  

Marketing Strategies That Drive Your Potential Customers Off

1.    Too Many Pop-ups 

Pop-ups on your website can be an effective way to capture your audience’s attention. It maximizes your website’s traffic and can start a connection with your existing and potential customers. It can also have many uses like getting the opinion of your customers, act as a suggestion box on how to improve your website or your business, and promote an existing promotional activity like a seasonal or holiday sale. 

However, a pop-up that repeatedly appears on the screen that could entirely block your webpage is downright annoying to your customers. More than providing additional info or be supplemental to a promotional tactic, having too many pop-ups can drive your site’s visitors away. They can either avoid your website entirely or turn off pop-ups in the browser and miss any critical announcement from your business. 

2.    Having A “Typical” Ad Campaign

A typical ad campaign usually talks about the product itself and not focusing on your target customer.  Failure to use your audience’s language can lead to people not believing and not putting any amount of trust in your campaigns. Lack of trust is one of the common reasons why most consumers shy away from companies. When people do not understand what you offer or what your brand has to say, then you are in for a much harder challenge. 

Another reason that this situation may happen is because of ad fatigue or your ads becoming more intrusive and noisy. It might also be because of your keep on claiming something you cannot provide and being dishonest to your consumers. The quality of your ad material can also affect how your potential buyers will perceive your brand. Many possible audiences also turn their back off from a brand or company that does not offer any value in their campaign. 

3.    Forced Sign-ups To Access Full Content

All businesses want to increase their leads or their database of prospective customers. Some brands, however, find ways to do this by forcing visitors to sign up for an email list, answer a survey, or create an account before customers can access any full content. 

If you have been doing this in the past, you might want to reconsider this marketing strategy. It drives away your customers instead of gaining leads. Too many contents are now available online, and most of them are free. People will utilize more on free offerings instead of doing the extra step you require them.

4.    Posting Clickbait And Engagement Bait

Social media is one of the most effective avenues to do your marketing strategies. There are over 3.81 billion users now worldwide, and people are spending an average of 1 hour and 22 minutes on their social media profiles. There are many effective tactics you can do in social media that can help your business gain an online presence, improve lead generation, and increase sales growth. However, there are also may social media tactics that can turn your customers away. 

Two of the marketing strategies that will not do you any good are clickbait and engagement baits. Clickbait is a headline or text sensationalized to encourage people to click a link, watch a video, or open an article. Engagement bait, on the other hand, is a tactic where you urge people to interact with you through their likes, comments, and shares to improve your reach or engagement on your Newsfeed. 


Even if you are successful in leading your customers to click on your post or share your content, your audience will figure it out sooner than you expect. When this happens, they will not only disassociate themselves from doing any future transaction with you but will impose a negative reputation for your business and brand. 

5.    Having Unsubstantiated Claims

You may have heard that you are the “best” burger, the “greatest” store, or you have the “most unbelievable” discount and decided to use it in your marketing campaign. However, instead of making people lean on your more, you can see that people avoid your brand and move on to your competitors. 


This scenario may be happening because of your unsubstantiated claim that you are far the greatest in your niche industry. People will not trust you, and instead, feel that you’re just getting pumped up and excited about your brand. Since trust is the most crucial thing you need in your marketing strategies, using vague and inflated language will not do your brand any good. 

If you want to use these claims as part of your marketing strategies, make sure that you use a reliable person or from a well-known expert in your industry that granted these favorable reviews.

Bonus: Flooding Your Customer’s Inbox With Retargeted Emails

Though one of the oldest forms of online marketing, email marketing can effectively reach your existing and potential clients. One of the most used tactics in an email marketing strategy is retargeting or the way you casually remind your customers of the products they have their interest fixed on. 

However, if you bombard your audience with emails and pushy reminders, this might irritate them and lead them to turn away from your business ultimately. They might also lead them not to initiate any transaction with your brand anytime soon. Send your retargeted emails in moderation instead. 

Final Thoughts

Marketing is always about taking risks.  Whether a particular strategy might work or not with your brand, you need to think about how it will translate to your customers. If you feel you are too sales-y and pushy with your customers, take a step back and access what they need. Make your product or brand speak to your audience’s language by understanding their demographic and their preferences. Doing so will not only capture their attention but will also bring positive results to your marketing and business objectives.

Maricar Morga

Maricar Morga worked as a marketing professional for almost a decade. She became part of the biggest real estate company/mall operator in the Philippines and handled concerts, events and community service-related activities. One of her activities became a nominee in the ICSC Asia-Pacific Shopping Center Awards 2018. Leaving her corporate job for good to pursue her dreams, she has now ventured in the path of content writing and currently writes for Softvire Australia and Softvire New Zealand. A Harry Potter fan, she loves to watch animated series and movies during her spare time.

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