The millennials are a term that defines people born in the 21st century and is a group of people between 18-34 years of age. It is a group of homogenous people as most of them speak a language that is not English. Still, they are like-minded in terms of shopping for products and spending money on services.
There are two things that you will find similar in all millennials. First, they look to invest in a brand that gives them the feel of having a vested interest in them. Second, they differ from older consumers as they are more open to transparent interaction and new technology.
Thus, if a brand is looking to target millennials through their marketing strategy, they have to think of something new and creative. It is because they have seen the worst of economic depression. Thus, there spending and family choices differ from what businesses have been catering too.
You have to use social media and digital technology to reach them and this blog, we will learn some tips for including millennials in your social media marketing.
1. Online shopping
No matter which product you are selling, if you want to attract a millennial, you need to have an e-commerce website. A millennial trust an online store more than a retail or physical store. Also, they love to read reviews and compare a few brands before choosing a product. Thus, if you want to attract millennials to your brand, you need to have an online site.
Moreover, make sure that if you have a blog or account on social media accounts, have a direct link that opens your website for them to shop with ease.
2. Make sure your website works smoothly on mobiles and tablets
Whatever platform you are using to market to your customers, if you want to appeal to the millennials, make sure you optimize it for mobile. Even if you have an e-commerce website, make sure it works wells on mobile phones, or launch an app for mobile/tablet.
Today most millennials use smartphones to do shopping or read a blog. Thus, not only do you need to have a social presence and an e-commerce website, but you also need to make sure that it works on smartphones too.
3. Develop some new features
Since most millennials use smartphones to shop and do other tasks, you have to take advantage of it. It gives you a great opportunity to come out with some new features or marketing tactics using the smartphone. All millennials are tech freak and they will dig this new feature.
For a brand, it is a great opportunity to attract millennials. Yes, your old customers might take some time to accept it, but they will eventually.
4. Give your brand a human personality to engage more people
The current generation of millennials doesn’t buy anything without searching online. For them, social media and the internet is a part of their life. That is why you have to have a social media presence or they won’t know you exist.
Moreover, no millennial wants to talk to a computer or social media department. They want to interact with the brand and see some emotions. It means that you need to give your brand a human personality, something that can make a customer trust you and connect with you. Make a logo, use human faces for your marketing strategies, reach out to your customers, talk to them, and solve their problems at the earliest.
Moreover, when you use social media to converse with the people, don’t only write content that promotes your product. Write something that engages them or provides any service to them.
5. Publish a unified message across all platforms
It doesn’t matter what platform you are using or how many platforms you are using to market your service. The message that you want to convey to your millennials customers needs to uniform across all of them. You must have a message that you want to deliver to your audience, which is something you decide the start of your campaign. Make sure that the same message gets delivered on all your social media accounts and even through your video marketing.
6. Use paid content in your marketing strategy
Paid and promotional content is something that millennials are not averse to. If you want to attract them towards your brand, use influencers to promote your content. Pay them to review your product, in this case, the customer knows that the influencer is getting paid, but they also know that they won’t lie about the product.
When you use paid content on Facebook or Instagram, you can make sure that it reaches the right people and target the right market.
Millennials keep evolving, so you have to be on top of your marketing strategy.