2020 will go down in history as a highly peculiar year. At its very beginning, the world was struck with a pandemic of COVID-19. Owing to unusual circumstances, governments of many countries had to implement strict measures such as lockdowns, shutdowns, and social distancing. While coronavirus is coming to an end in some parts of the world, it continues to spread in others. For this reason, its consequences are unclear. However, there are at least six things the pandemic has taught us about the business of today. Let’s have a look.
Technology as Necessity
The coronavirus outbreak has forced many companies to do their work from home. In this situation, technology and digital communication are crucially important. Employers and employees have to adhere to safety measures, such as social distancing, so they can’t work from their offices. Even when working remotely, everyone in the company has to be connected and communicate effectively. Now more than ever, internal communication is needed for keeping businesses afloat. With highly advanced technology, today, employees can use platforms such as Google Hangouts, Zoom, Slack, etc. Through these platforms and apps, they can chat, share information, collaborate on projects, and hold meetings as usual. Many believe they will be used frequently even when the pandemic is over. That is why a company needs to find the right communication channel. With one suitable digital platform, employers can assign tasks, post updates, and keep employees up to date with the latest corporate changes.
Flexible Work Schedule
Because of the pandemic, many employers have allowed more flexibility regarding working hours. Hence, flexible work schedule might no longer seem a distant dream but an integral part of the business. As long as deadlines are met, employees can arrange their work hours however they want. Still, with more flexibility comes greater responsibility. Employees will have to keep their productivity levels high at all times and equally contribute to the company’s growth. To make this work, standard work dynamics can be adjusted to accommodate to the new circumstances. For example, managers can hold mandatory daily meetings with all employees to check in, give assignments, or keep everyone posted. This way, employees are required to attend the meeting but they are free to design their work schedule. It allows them to spend time with their families and friends, pursue other interests outside work, and have a healthy work-life balance.
Remote Workplace
Some health experts believe social distancing should remain as a safety measure when the pandemic ends. If this proves to be true, going to work and sharing workplace with others will be impossible. Although employees have been working remotely for months, some companies still had to pay utility bills and rent for empty workplaces. They already had a serious decline in profit so these expenses don’t do them any good. For this reason, creating remote workplaces is the ideal solution. Employers won’t have to worry about employee productivity. Working remotely has finally proven that working from an office isn’t a condition for high productivity. Also, companies will no longer have to rent offices while employees will be safe working from home.
Stronger Work Relationships
A business can’t grow and prosper without good work relationships. In large companies, employees can’t get to know each other and become friends. They are mostly focused on doing their job right instead of bonding with coworkers. Contrary to popular belief, despite not spending time together in the office, relationships between coworkers can grow stronger during the lockdown. Through interaction, even digital one, employees share and become more connected. When coworkers get along and have good relationship, work environments is positive and healthy. Working in such a workplace improves employee productivity and team spirit. For this reason, employers should organize team building activities and encourage open and effective communication among employees. Therefore, there will be no room for misunderstandings and conflicts in the workplace among colleagues.
Mandatory Health Checkups
Now more than ever, health of employees and their well-being should be primary concern of employers. As many anticipate the second wave of coronavirus, companies should adopt and enforce preventative safety measures. Amazon, Starbucks, and Walmart are some companies which regularly measure employees’ temperatures when they come to work. Other companies should follow their example and do what they can to keep their employees healthy. Mandatory annual health checkups should be introduced in all companies. Most people say prevention is better than cure. Discovering disease in its early stages can help save people’s lives. Given everything that is going in the world, health is the only true wealth anyone can have. That is why employees mustn’t put a price on their employees’ health. When employees are healthy and happy, they can perform well at their jobs and contribute to the company’s success.