
Forbidden Places No One Is Allowed to Visit

With the present staggering rate of increasing technology and global expansion, it is unlikely to imagine that there is even a sliver of this planet that remains undiscovered. Even today, this planet holds mysteries that are still there for humankind to unfold. However, there is absolute comfort in knowing that humans, at least, knew about a few of these forbidden places no matter they are still unexplored. 


A slew of spots are strictly forbidden for travelers to visit across the globe, from natural enigmas protected by environmental science to human-made, guarded structures. Some of these locations are still hidden in intrigue with their mysteries staying behind the closed doors. Others are still off-limits due to a variety of scientific, governmental, or safety issues.

While the appeal of the forbidden and taboo is undeniable, you would be hard-pressed to swindle your way into these places that also have mentioned in today’s latest national news under some of the mysteriously forbidden places in the world. It is quite intriguing to consider the place you can’t discover in the world full of beautiful places you have permission to discover. Here are some places no one is allowed to visit due to environmental, safety, or governmental regulation:

Lascaux caves, France

Lascaux caves are estimated to be around 20000 years older, where the Paleolithic paintings were found in 1940, making it the most attractive tourist spot back then after World War II. Unfortunately, the place was shut by the government for the tourists in the 1960s after it started getting damaged by the carbon monoxide present in a person’s breath. Besides, it was named as one of the UNESCO World Heritage Site, and the place was banned for the public because human presence is considered destructive to the works of the art in the caves.

Snake Island, Brazil

Snake Island has a dense population of the most venomous snakes in the world. It is said that their venom is so poisonous that only one bite can melt the skin around the bitten area, and the person can die in an hour. There are about 4000 above snakes live on this Island that means you will find one snake in every square foot. The snakes found here are some of the most endangered, and there is no one going on the Island to clear up the land and make way for people to visit. For the sake of people’s safety, the government has imposed restrictions on visiting this Island, and only scientists and researchers can visit this Island accompanying by a doctor.

Area 51 Nevada, U.S.A

One of the most mystical places in the world is Area 51, which is a military base in Nevada. The hidden military base is kept as a secret by the U.S government for numerous years now, and many people like to believe that it is kept for alien testing. Any trespassers are subjected to strict actions, and consequences can be deadly as sensors are surrounding the place, which tells about human visitors. Even roaming above Area 51 is restricted. Only people who fly from the base or coming to the area can be around its air space.

Isle Grand Shrine, Japan

Do you know there is a temple in Japan that can only be visited by one family? Yes, one and only one family can step foot in the Isle Grand Shrine temple in Japan. The imperial members of the family take care of the temple, and it is rebuilt every 20 years to imitate rebirth. It is the holiest place in Japan because of its minimal access. The only way to enter is to be a member of the Imperial family, and the way to get in is to marry into the family. 

Heard Island, Australia

One of the Islands which are untouched by humans is the Heard Island in the middle of the ocean between Australia and Antarctica. For a fact, if it were forbidden, it would still be not very easy to reach out to this place. So, the question arises, why the government restricts visiting this beautiful Island? It is because the species of animals live around and on that area are unique, and the government doesn’t want humans to destroy their existence. The Island is the house of two active volcanoes, numerous glaciers, and the tallest mountain in Australia.     


Vatican Libraries Secret Archives, Vatican City

Hundreds of secrets lie in the library archives of the smallest country in the world. The library archives are so secretive that no one alive on this planet is sure what secret those books hold. The secret archives have around 53 miles of shelves books and documents from the eighth-century relating to the Catholic Church.  After every 75 years, the documents are removed, but there are a few things inside the library that have never seen the light. It is said that the document inside has the information that possesses the power to make and destroy history.

Tomb of the Qin Shi Huang, China

The place was discovered back in 1974 while digging a well by people, and as they were digging, they came across clay soldiers as huge as humans. These were the soldiers of the first Chinese emperor to guard the tomb. The enormous mausoleum was made with clay to pay tribute to the person who led them in the third Century. There are some regions of the tomb that are open for visitors, including the terracotta army of soldiers, but the main tomb is off-limits for the visitors. It is believed that a hefty amount of treasures with Qin Shi Huang and this place is forbidden to visit due to respect for burial rights.

North Sentinel Island, India

In the Bay of Bengal, a small island named North Sentinel Island resides whose natives refuse communication with any outsiders. They have been opposed to the influences of the modern world.  In order to protect their isolation and tribe away from other people, they are willing to get violent. The people of this planet and their aggression came into light in 2004, during Tsunami when an Indian coast guard flew for an exploration mission over the land, and a few men emerged from the forests to shoot arrows on the helicopter.


Svalbard Seed Vault, Norway

A mountain between the North Pole and Norway contains a Global seed vault comprising over one million seed samples. It is situated in the heart of Arctic Svalbard Island to safeguard biodiversity in case of a global crisis or apocalypse. It is the most secure place to preserve a variety of seeds from around the world. The vault is not open to anyone who reaches there; it opens for specialized staff and on special days only. It costs around millions to maintain the vault, and according to today’s latest national news, Norway is planning to spend $13 Million to upgrade the seed vault.

In Final Words

It feels quite impossible to know that there are some parts of the world you can’t explore besides the increasing use of technology. Some of these locations are forbidden due to governmental regulations, humankind’s safety, and environmental concerns. In other places, the possibility of reaching and surviving to explore is minimal or only scientists or authorized people can visit.

Vaibhav Sharma

Vaibhav Sharma is a digital marketing expert by day and writer by night. He is a project manager at True Scoop News who specializes in blogging, article and copywriting. He loves to write technology related articles, entertainment blogs, latest national news in English and Punjabi and tutorials as long as there is a bit of information technology.

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