One of the best-proven theories for gaining motivation is Maslow’s hierarchy of needs. As per the theory, Maslow stated that our actions are influenced by the order of our needs. Maslow has provided a hierarchy of needs to follow when you get stuck somewhere. The theory motivates us to achieve what is important and necessary for living a peaceful and happy life.
The Maslow’s hierarchy of needs was introduced in 1943 by famous Humanistic Psychologist Abraham Maslow. The theory was mentioned in his famous book “Motivation and Personality”. The theory states that people get motivated to fulfill basic needs before fulfilling the other trivial or we can say advanced needs. Maslow’s theory teaches us how to be happy with little things and basic needs. In this way, Maslow created a theory of 5 basic needs that are self-actualization, food, safety, low, and self-esteem. So, there are 5 different levels of Maslow’s hierarchy of needs. Through this blog, I have highlighted the 5 different levels of Maslow’s hierarchy of needs.
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Maslow’s Hierarchy of needs is displayed in the structure of the pyramid. The lowest level is primary needs and the top level is structured as complex needs.
The bottom level is the primary needs like food, sleep, warmth, and water. Once we achieve the primary needs then we move to the next level which is security and safety.
While structuring the pyramid of needs, Maslow focused on the necessity of self-actualization which is considered as a procedure of development and growth in an individual.
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Below-mentioned is the description of the 5 basic needs:
The physiological needs are the basic needs that include the stuff important for our survival. Examples of physiological needs are:
Other than food and water, clothing and shelter also come in basic needs. Along with this, Maslow added sexual reproduction as well in basic physiological needs as reproduction is really necessary for the propagation of species.
Security and safety needs come in the second level according to Maslow’s hierarchy of needs because after primary requirements the needs start becoming a little complex. After shelter, food, clothing, security, and safety comes.
Because people want to control their lives and safety contributes a lot to this level. Examples of Security and safety needs are:
Finding a job is also considered safe. At this level, people start saving money for the future.
Social needs include relations, love, belonging, and acceptance. When people are at this level, human behavior is driven on the basis of emotional relationships. More examples of social needs are:
To avoid issues such as anxiety, depression, and loneliness we make relationships and attachment with other people who are like friends, family, and loved ones to us. They also play a vital role in our happiness.
The fourth level is esteem needs which is respect and appreciation. These needs play a prominent role when the above-mentioned three needs are totally satisfied. When the above needs are fulfilled, human behavior becomes more motivating and inspiring in nature.
At this level, the basic requirement becomes respect and appreciation from others because they feel like they have accomplished a lot.
Self-actualization needs to be explained as “What a man can be, he must be”, means the human should involve in the exploitation of capabilities, talents, and potentials at this level.
Self-actualization can also be related to self-awareness.
Maslow’s theory of needs shows us how to fulfill our needs. Maslow’s law motivates people for development and growth. From Maslow’s theory, we should learn to fulfill the basic needs first and do not rush the process. In order to fulfill all the dreams, everyone should follow the order. Not following the order can lead to disappointment. Therefore, everyone should focus on basic needs first.
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