Housework is a necessary evil, but it doesn’t have to be miserable. Making the bed, folding clothes, and putting away dishes are simple tasks that can make your life easier. When you think about them as small steps in the right direction rather than huge goals to achieve all at once, these chores become more manageable and less daunting. Here are some tips for making housework less miserable:
Make the bed
This is a great way to start your day. Make sure the bed is made up of clean sheets, with all pillows in place and the duvet straightened and tucked in. Even if you’re not going to sleep in it, a neat-looking bed will make your room feel more inviting.
Start a load of laundry BEFORE you go to work
Before you leave for work, start a load of laundry. If you’re lucky enough to have an automatic washer and dryer, make sure the washing machine has enough water in it before going to bed so that it can run through its cycle overnight. If you don’t have an automatic washing machine, consider starting a wash as soon as possible after dinner so that when you wake up in the morning your clothes will be ready for you. This way they won’t pile up on the floor or have time to get dirty while they wait around all day long!
Put your laundry away when it’s dry
The most obvious benefit of putting your laundry away when it’s dry is that you won’t have to do it again. If you’re like me, and many people I know, hanging up your clothes can be the last thing on your mind after a long day or night at work or school. This is especially true if you live alone and don’t have anyone reminding you to hang up the clothes before they get wrinkled again.
But there are other benefits as well: if you’re like me, keeping your home tidy will make you feel better about yourself—and having more time on busy days (or nights) means that maybe now I’ll finally pick up those dirty dishes from last week.
Make it a game
It’s hard to get motivated when you’re scrubbing the kitchen floor, but if you turn it into a game, you’ll have more fun. For example, try to beat your best time or see how many rooms you can finish in an hour.
Reward yourself for accomplishments
After you’ve tackled a big project — like cleaning out the garage or organizing the laundry room — give yourself a reward for finishing on time and with minimal stress (a movie or dinner out).
Use tools that make cleaning easier
Invest in tools that help make certain chores easier, such as a cordless vacuum cleaner or steam mop for floors or carpets.
Make sure everything has its place
This tip applies especially well to children’s bedrooms and bathrooms, where clutter can quickly pile up if things aren’t kept organized properly.
Clean using all five senses
When it comes to cleaning, sight isn’t always enough; sometimes you need to rely on other senses as well, such as smell and sound (for example, when assessing whether an item needs washing).
Taking little steps and making yourself comfortable can make a big difference
Take a break. You can do this! The truth is, you don’t have to be embarrassed by a few chores. They’re not going anywhere, and they won’t get done if you don’t do them. So take the time to make yourself comfortable before tackling those tasks that you dread most—maybe put on your favorite music or turn up the heat so it feels like summer inside. When we are relaxed and at ease, it makes our mood better and gives us an energy boost when we need it most.
Set small goals for yourself so that each chore doesn’t seem overwhelming or impossible; just doing one load of laundry will add up over time!
Get help from someone else if possible — preferably someone who will actually appreciate how hard you’re working on keeping things clean around here (ahem). This way no task is too big when paired with teamwork; plus there’s always more fun in completing something together instead of alone. If you’re too busy or don’t have a cleaning companion, it’s best to call in professionals, like Crystal Maids. Your house will always be tidy and clean, and you won’t have to waste time.
Do a little bit every day
- Don’t try to do everything at once. It’s tempting to think, “If I just get all this done today, I’ll be able to relax for the next few days.” But as anyone who has ever had a house full of dirty dishes and laundry knows, trying to complete all your chores in one go is overwhelming and often unsuccessful.
- Keep it from piling up. Even if you commit yourself to doing a little bit every day, the tasks will still pile up over time if they aren’t addressed regularly. Try scheduling some time each week or day that works best with your schedule (though not immediately after work—you’ll just end up exhausted).
- Don’t let it become a chore! The point here is not so much about getting things done quickly; rather, we want them done well: with care and attention given each task as though they were precious gems that need polishing before being put on display in our homes!
Put on some music
Music is a great way to keep you motivated and focused on the task at hand. It can also help you relax, especially if the song you’re listening to isn’t too fast-paced. A good choice for housework would be something like Joni Mitchell’s “River,” which is relaxing but also slightly upbeat (the pace of it will probably match up well with your cleaning speed).
I hope these tips have given you some ideas for making your house chores less miserable. If this article was helpful to you, please share it with a friend!