The spirit of Christmas 2020 is right around the corner and it’s already making us all feel tingly inside. Whether you believe in Santa or not, we bet you love the good vibes, the acts of kindness, and the oh-so-precious smiles on the faces of cute little children that the festival brings.
But before we expect Santa to climb down the chimney and show up any time soon, let’s make sure to properly welcome him by putting up some beautiful Christmas decorations that your home sweet home will thank you for.
1. The Classic Christmas tree, with a twist!

Celebrating Christmas without a Christmas tree is like eating pizza without pepperoni. No matter if you choose to buy a natural and authentic evergreen pine or an artificially made lookalike, either way, getting the chance to decorate a Christmas tree is the first thing that gets everyone, especially kids, excited for the holiday and have them up on their feet in no time.
If you’re willing to put in a little more work, you can make the experience of decorating your Christmas tree even more special and unique. How? Simple: choose the decoration items whose colors align with your interior paint.
This way, your Christmas tree will not appear as just a stand-alone, but will also effortlessly complement the vibe of your entire living room and the interior décor that you already worked so hard to get right. Try this trick out and see if it works for you.
2. Set the Mood right with the right Accessories
So imagine this: you’re sitting on your comfy red couch with new green pillows having your feet crossed and resting on the coffee table while the warmth from the fireplace and the smell of fresh apple pie from the kitchen fills the room as you watch your kids open their Christmas presents and admire how their faces light up with wide smiles and curiosity.
It’s time you treated yourself with an experience like that and we’re here to help you turn it into a reality. But before adding the beauty, let’s first try getting rid of the ugly first, and by that we mean the TV wires that are simply hanging loose from your set-up unattended and are ruining the look of your living room.
Not only will hiding your TV wires make your viewing experience more immersive and clean, but will also allow you extra room for putting up more items of decorations. If you’d like to read a quick guide on how to hide TV wires, we’ve got one for you right here! Simply click on the link and follow the steps.
Now, let’s work on the beauty part. For starters, we’ll be needing things such as garlands, wreaths, pillow and couch covers, candles, fairy lights, and fake snow. Here’s the way we picture the scene to be:
Dress your couch / sofa with red covers and your pillows with green and white ones i.e. the colors of Christmas. Place 3 or more scented candles at the centre of the dining table (even better if they are of different shapes and sizes). Arrange the fairy lights around the edges of your main door and / or windows.
For added buzz, you can set up a small “snow pool” for your pets and / or kids by buying some ‘fake snow’. They are relatively cheap and are easily available at Amazon or your nearest general store.
As far as garlands and wreaths are concerned, you can arrange the former around the edges of the fireplace and the latter at the top corner to give a very beautiful symmetrical view that which will highlight your fireplace as well. You can also place red Christmas stockings adjacent to the central wreath to add to the fireplace’s beauty like shown in the image below as an example:
If you need more inspiration, we highly recommend you to check out these brilliant fireplace decor ideas by clicking this link and following the tips and tricks mentioned in the article that will undeniably help you out in beautifying your fireplace!
On top of that, you can also lay out a very Christmas-y red carpet near the seating area to give your floor a more festive look.
If you happen to have articles of furniture which are mostly in darker shades of color, then you can go for a lush white furry carpet instead which will bring out a beautiful contrast-y look in your living room.
3. Taking it a step further
When talking about décor ideas for Christmas or for any other festival or event, the conversation usually revolves around trying to beautify as many objects in your home as possible. You will find hundreds, if not thousands of blog posts reciting the same old ideas everyone uses.
Not that there’s anything wrong with sticking with the classics, but opting for the same ideas every single time can get really monotonous and repetitive and wouldn’t spark that holiday-feeling after a while. That’s why we wanted to suggest you something a tiny bit more.
This Christmas, on top of decorating objects, you can try doing the same for people as well! What do we mean by that? Well, if you happen to have your friends and family coming over at your place this Christmas to celebrate, one very unique idea we can recommend you is to have matching ’ugly Christmas sweaters’ made for everyone who’s coming to visit.
As silly as the idea sounds, wearing the same funny thing that everyone else is wearing is a great ice-breaker and can really evoke the feeling of oneness among the crowd and get them to feel comfortable around each other in no time.
Furthermore, you can also create your own DIY Rudolph caps for you and your squad. Once everyone is in their outfits, you can take Polaroid photos of the entire group wearing their “uniforms” as a souvenir and use it as a decoration for next Christmas!
We hope you liked this article and were able to find some inspiration. Feel free to use any of the above mentioned ideas and thoughts and modify them in your own unique way! Merry Christmas!