Reaching your ideal body is no easy task. Most people give up on this attempt when they hit a large setback. They will, usually, come up with a reason why they are failing or simply consider the entire journey a waste of time. This is why in this article we will talk about everything you need to know in order to stop being skinny. Let’s get right into it.
1. Regularly Going to the Gym
Despite popular belief, you do not need to spend several hours at the gym 6 days a week in order to build an enviable body. Some experts say that going to the gym and lifting just once or twice a week is enough to build muscle. However, for maximal gain, you should do shorter and more intensive workouts some 5 or 6 days a week.
2. Maintain a Proper Diet
In order to gain weight, you need to increase your effective food intake. It is no wonder why most bodybuilders have four, five, or even six meals a day. They require energy intake to keep their body developing as intended. The most important aspect of proper food intake is proteins. You need to intake enough proteins to match your body weight. Usually, this is calculated by eating a gram of protein that matches your body weight every day. So, if you weigh 300 pounds, you need to get 300 grams of protein into your body, plus a bit extra so that you have a positive calorie intake. Make sure to include high-calorie meals in your everyday eating habits. So, always include food like seeds, rice, potatoes, oat, and nuts in your meals. If you don’t, start implementing them!
3. Keep Logs of Your Progress
Tracking your progress is an effective way of making sure that you are staying on schedule, doing all of your required workout routines, and most of all, always keeping the goal alive. When you track your progress, you are constantly reminding yourself of the reason why you are doing this in the first place.
4. Resting Properly and Maintaining a Healthy Sleep Schedule
Rest is the most important long-term factor for stable and continuous body growth. You need to always leave eight hours of sleep every day in order to reset. Eight hours are vital for growth-hormone release. It will also help if you take power naps during the day in order for your body to heal faster from the intense workout session. There are also exercises that you can do to improve blood flow from time to time as a way of making the body more efficient.
5. Train Effectively
You don’t need to repeat the same exercise 500x in order to get the optimal gain out of it. Just by increasing the weight, you increase the effective gain by a significant margin. The point is to activate as many muscles as possible while working out. Not introducing 5 new training routines every week is not a bad thing by any means. You just need to remain effective with the training program that you are using. This type of workout will offer the best way of growing muscle, so start prioritizing intensity over quantity.
However, you can’t expect to get much work done if you don’t have the proper equipment for your training sessions. This is why you should head out and browse CyberFit’s catalog. If you are serious about building muscle, then getting the best equipment won’t be a waste of your time.
6. It’s All About the Carbs
Carbs serve as a vital source of energy and calories, something that is vital for a successful workout routine and body transformation. A low-carb diet will negatively affect your performance since you will have less available energy to use during your workout routine and lead to worse muscle gain during training. So, getting rid of calories isn’t the answer. Our biggest advice would be to stay away from rice and sugar.
7. Patience is Key
What happens to most people is that they get hyped for a workout routine. Get into the gym with high hopes, work their asses off, then completely lose focus after about a month or two. What people lack the most is commitment. You can’t expect to reach your perfect body in half a year, otherwise, we would all be in top shape. This is why people lose focus on their goals and simply stop. They don’t see major changes to their bodies after a month so they consider the entire endeavor to be pointless. So, don’t lose hope or discipline. Stay focused on your goals and keep training.
8. Understand That There are Factors That can Hurt Your Progress
It has been scientifically proven that there are body disorders that can cause your progress to be much worse. They can affect your metabolism and cause you to remain skinny even when working out intensely. It isn’t all too uncommon to see this phenomenon. Although, this should not be taken as an excuse. You should never give up on achieving your perfect body just because you have a worse genetic predisposition for it, it just means that it will be harder to achieve it. If you suspect that you are suffering from a disorder, consult your local doctor. However, don’t be surprised to find out that 90% of the time it’s just the awful lifestyle choices that are holding you back.