Emotional intelligence is not just the next big thing, and it is the future of human existence. Humanity will have an evolutionary change in the coming years when we all take the psychological awareness of the human mind from the closet and place it at the center of our lives.
Emotional intelligence mainly focuses on developing a mindset where you are using your emotional understanding of the human mind to gain a better and more aware existence. It can range from family life to raising your kids, being a better citizen, and having a great professional experience.
A strong emotional intelligence quotient is not magic, and neither is it inherent. Maybe some kids are born with a better EQ, but like you do not need to be a born expert at playing the piano to become Beethoven; similarly, you do not need a very high EQ to be effective at emotional intelligence.
You can learn the basic concepts that are the cornerstone of emotional intelligence and fine hone your skill according to your tastes.
Here are the five basic principles of emotional intelligence that you should learn to have more positive and more well-groomed human interactions tyle in general.

Learn Your Patterns:
This advice should be a training session in every kindergarten. If we all learn our patterns, we would certainly fall for them at a much less frequency. It will help if you read yourself like an unbiased third party observer.
That can only occur if you read yourself regularly, and slowly you will see your patterns. We all have habits we want to get out of, but the only reason we do not is that we do not understand the underlying model.
That is why we should all consider learning our patterns so that we can change them for the better. Every negative behavior pattern comes from a deep-seated need or desire that you need to understand.
Once you are in a better and more precise understanding of the way your mind is making decisions, you will be able to understand your thought processes better and will be able to make better and more fruitful decisions.
Know-How to Motivate Yourself:
Let us take the example of overeating; are you an overeater who needs massive portions, or is it just about the take-outs? You need to understand how you indulge in excessive eating behavior.
Now, if you are a portion person, then you can have massive portions of salads with small adding of chicken and replace your standard cheese with Parmesan.
If you are into take-outs, then you can eat healthy for a full week and only get a take-out once a week to have a happy weekend. And if you are just binge eating all the way, then honey, you are not ready to lose weight. Now, the question is, what is keeping you from going after the prize?
As all the female motivational speakers will tell you, the way to motivate yourself is by understanding what is keeping you from achieving what you need. If you know your patterns, you are much more likely to break out of them and have a better life in the future!

The Others’ Shoe:
How we hate seeing the other person’s perspective? We all want to feel that we know best, and maybe we do. But the fact of the matter is that maybe that moron has a bit of a clue about what is going on as well.
Understanding that you are a hot air of balloon will allow you to tone it down before you fly up in the air and are left all alone in the space. Learn to see that maybe there is a chance that others know what they are talking about.
A lack of empathy always goes back to a lack of trust. In the age of endless surveillance, we are not going to sell you the idea of faith. But perhaps, compartmentalize your perspective and allow others to advise you on how to go about new things when you are not able to give an excellent performance anyways.
Social Skills
There is no point in reading self-help books if you have not tried to master the four points mentioned above. The main focus of emotional intelligence to better understand yourself and the others in front of you.
That will allow you not to get bogged down by the knuckleheaded stuff and will let you have a better understanding of yourself and your surroundings. You will see improvements in your perspective, and that will led you to have a deeper understanding of others.
Social skills that are gotten out of self-help books are temporary band-aids for a severe problem. EQ will let you have an adult perspective about people in your life and will allow you to have deeper and stronger experiences that will give you life long fulfillment.
EQ is neither hard nor easy, and it is what you make it into. EQ is a simple journey of looking deep into your heart and asking yourself, how you became the person that you are.
You will only be able to gain this insight if you are asking yourself whether it is time for a change. That is the catch 22 of EQ, and you will only be able to ask the question if you are pushed into it. There are few things harder than asking yourself what makes you who you are.
But it is right for you in the long run and will allow you to maybe get out of a bad situation, if at all possible.
The mantra simple, ‘if you can’t change those around you, you have to learn how to change yourself.”
That simple rule, when implemented, will give you an EQ journey that will blow your mind.
Share your thoughts in the comments section, we would love to know how you see the future of EQ!