Carpet is one of the heaviest stuffs of your household. It has major effects on your health. When you purchase a carpet since the day, it starts posing some health issues on your family. Carpet is although a great stunning layout on the floor. It though beautifies the whole homey ambience but there are some health hazardous problems ensued from carpet. There are several other issues that can be the causes of carpet generated problems. Such as unpleasant odor and growth of mice and bugs. A serious virus that has created a distressing panic around the world known as Novel Corona Virus (NCV) or Covid-19, this virus has been reportedly observed to be causing also from the dirty carpets.
1. Novel Corona Virus (NCV) Epidemic
The epidemic issue of world’s challenging disease that has spread in almost all contents. Even this outbreak didn’t spare the USA. The death toll due to corona virus led disease has crossed 20 in the USA. Every precautionary measurement should be taken to prevent you from this disease. In spite of the fact, you try hard to get rid of the disease but the virus can hide right under your feet. Corona Virus can hide in carpet layers. This virus is conducted by bats, mice, insects and other bugs. They find a haven in carpet and start a widespread of virus growth in carpet. It is therefore, advised that, never let your carpet get dirtied and infested by bugs. Professional carpet cleaners’ service is highly recommended amidst the eruption of the Corona Virus around the States.
2. Affected Air Quality
Air quality with carpet turns to be impure somewhat. The fiber and residue of the carpet colors are some of those agents that pollutes the air. Moreover, the quality of air becomes dirtied when it comes the dust particles soaked in carpet layers. Upon walking, the fibers and layer receive a disturbance and dust floats around the air. This is how, the quality of air becomes affected due to dust particles. This very air causes come pungent breathing issues and allergy to breath sensitive people.
3. Germs Growth

Carpet can be the safe haven for germs to grow. As the carpet has an ample space and environment around to be ideal for germs growth, so there always remains a chance for the germs and bacteria to grow under the surface of carpet. You might have noticed some advanced grown germs colony even impact on the carpets. Such a carpet can be riskier and more hazardous for those households where toddler and young children are available. Therefore, through this way, your home can be at risk as carpet gets dirtier.
4. Riskier For Pulmonary Patients
Apart from germs, the floating dust and fiber problems can be hazardous for pulmonary patients. As the dust and tiny fiber float in the air, the pose to be problematic for asthma patients. Apart from asthma, there are several other breathing issues upon which your carpet can be problem for you. Therefore, you must be careful while maintaining a carpet.
It is likely possibility for the carpets to get infested with dust mites whose droppings can instigate asthma forays and can trap allergy-prone proteins which are known to ensue asthma, eczema and rhinitis attacks as per the patient’s condition. It has been quite often seen that people are looking for a solution to their conditions and the problem may exactly be right under their feet. For the people who have environmental allergies, this can be a serious health issue. In fact, dirty carpets can prompt some of the serious health issues in even healthy and normal people. That is why, carpet cleaning should be hired after every six months.
5. Eye Infection Due to Dirty Carpet

Carpet can directly cause a problem on your eyes. As it has been told by the experts that the air floating mites and grime that are mostly deposited on tiny fibers and lightest threads. This often get into the eyes and cause some serious eye problems. It is even seen that a severe eye disease which is commonly known as the cataract, can be because of carpet fibers. Seeing such problems, you need to call the deep carpet cleaning in Houston to avoid such a deadliest virus led disease. Because carpet cleaning field is required by almost every household, so there are some important things you should consider before hiring a carpet cleaning company.
Water trickling from water eyes can also be because of bad condition of the carpet. Therefore, instead of using goggles, try to inspect through your carpet to see if the carpet is good to bear with the family. If the condition is dirty then immediately call your nearest carpet cleaning company. Remember, there are some big differences between an ordinary carpet cleaning and professional carpet cleaning.