Workouts are a great way to keep your body in shape and stay healthy. But did you know that thousands of emergency room visits from incidents caused by home exercise equipment and equipment-related mishaps in gyms are being recorded yearly?
Any physical activity you undertake is associated with some risks, regardless of your participation or experience level.
The most common exercise-related injuries include muscle pull and strain, sprained ankle, shoulder injury, knee injury, shin splint, tendonitis, wrist sprain, and dislocation.
However, if you acquire proper knowledge, training, and guidance from fitness gurus, you can avoid injuries associated with workouts.
Here are 12 tips to prevent injury when following an intense workout plan:
- Get your body ready for exercise
Prior to starting an intense workout, your need to warm up your body and make it ready for exercise. Exercises like riding an exercise bike or jogging in a place for five to ten minutes will increase your heart rate and loosen up your muscles and joints.
After the warm-up exercise is done, you need to cool down and slowly bring your heart rate back to normal. You can walk down for five to ten minutes for the cool-down exercise.
- Stretching
You need to stretch after you have conducted the warm-up and cool-down exercises. It will help your muscles to relax and elongate. This exercise is necessary even after you complete your intense workout session, like weight training.
When you perform warm-up exercises and stretches, the muscle warms and loosens up and remains neurologically alert. It becomes flexible and injury-resistant.
Moreover, stretching between sets will build up your muscle as it promotes muscular circulation and increases the flexibility of the fascia casing that surrounds your muscle.
And muscle-specific stretches at the end of your intense workout session will practically remove next-day soreness.
- Don’t rush into it
Never rush into an exercise routine, especially an intense workout. Begin slowly and build up the intensity, duration, and frequency slowly. Pushing yourself too hard at the start of a new workout session can be injurious to your body. Scale your challenge as your fitness abilities increase.
- Always listen to your body signals
Your body won’t always be high on energy. Don’t force yourself to do an intense workout on such days, as your body will be more prone to injuries. Listen to your trainer as he/she will know what time is best for your body to carry out an intense workout.
- Use correct technique
It’s an open secret that the most common weight-training injuries are associated with the execution of poor exercise techniques. When you are using an incorrect technique, it can pull, rip your muscle or even tear delicate connective tissue.
Human bodies have specific biomechanical pathways. Your arms and legs can only move in certain ways. You need to become a technical expert and follow the exercise rules strictly. For instance, you should not twist, turn, or contort while pushing a weight.
Also, never get into an intense exercise prior to learning the right form. You need a trainer to learn the correct form.
- Avoid using too much weight
Since intense workouts usually involve using weights, you need to see that you are not using too much weight. It will increase your risk of getting injured during your workout.
If you aren’t able to control a weight on its downward loading course or hold a movement within its biomechanical limits, or if you have to jerk to lift the weight, know that it is too much.
- Diversify your workout routine
When you conduct the same intense workout, you will be repeating the same muscle movements regularly. Overusing one set of muscles can result in repetitive-use injuries, including shin splints and tendinitis.
What you can do instead is run on the first day, lift weights on day second, and cycle on the third day.
- Energize your body
Drink water before, during, and after you work out. You can follow the general rule to keep your body hydrated:
- Eight ounces about 20 to 30 minutes prior to workout.
- Eight ounces every 10 to 20 minutes during your exercise sessions.
- Eight ounces within a half-hour after you complete your exercise.
Also, consume a small meal every two to three hours during the course of your workout. After completion, you can consume a healthy carb and snack with protein.
- Get the right gear
Find a pair of durable, comfy sneakers that offer great arch support and can absorb shock. Also, wear loose, comfy clothing so that you can comfortably move and breathe.
- Concentrate solely on your workout
Many credible fitness instructors are citing inattentiveness due to Ipods, cell phones, and reading as the most common reasons related to gym injuries. Being distracted, preoccupied, or careless during the workout session is giving a direct invitation to injuries.
Although, you don’t have to worry about it and can work towards developing an intense level of concentration over time. Initially, make sure to develop a mental checklist to help you focus on your workout.
- Opt for rubber flooring
Many gyms have rubber flooring these days. The reason? Rubber surfaces are strong, durable, and resilient, making them ideal for all kinds of exercises or equipment.
Rubber flooring also gives you a stable and uniform surface for performing intense and high-impact weight training. Rubber can hold the extra weight without having to bend, break, or dent. Additionally, it can absorb sound and shock when you drop the weights, and it is anti-slip.
Just ensure to find a high-quality rubber surface and get it installed by a professional.
- Take proper rest
Taking proper rest is crucial as it allows your body to recover between workouts and help avert injuries. Taking one or two days in a week to rest is ideal.
There you have it! Twelve tips to prevent injury when following an intense workout plan. Exercising can keep you healthy and fit.
But if you aren’t following the right tips, you may end up in the emergency room due to a fatal exercise injury. Make sure to follow the tips in this article while conducting an intense workout. Exercise smart!