Each food provides variety of nutrients that perform different functions in the body. They affect our metabolism, hunger and hormones differently. Foods high in protein and fibre help in curbing hunger and aid in weight management. Here are 10 foods that are suggested by the best dietitian in Delhi which are scientifically proven to help you with weight management as well as weight loss.
Green leafy vegetables
GLV’s provide nutrients such as zinc, selenium, magnesium and vitamin A, E and K. The high phenolic compounds and antioxidants content in GLV’S helps in reducing inflammation, preventing certain types of cancer and boosting immunity. Consuming at least 1-2 servings per day will increase the fibre content of diets and is beneficial for people who want to start eating healthy. GLV’s can be consumed raw in form of salads or in cooked forms, they provide minimal calories and hence are suitable for people who want to start eating healthy.
Whole grains
Westernization of diets has increased consumption of refined cereals and processed foods like white bread, biscuits, cookies, chips and soft drinks. This has led to a sudden increase in prevalence of obesity and development of various metabolic conditionsat early ages. All whole grains contain three parts the bran, germ, and endosperm. The bran is the fiber-rich outer layer that supplies B group vitamins, iron, zinc, magnesium, antioxidants, and phytochemicals which are deficient in refined cereals. Consumption of wholegrains over refined provides more satiety (feeling of fullness) and thus makes sure to keep hunger pangs at bay.
Nuts are rich in calories and packed with healthy fats, that might be the reason that some people believe that eating nuts can be fattening. However, eating nuts in right quantity can be beneficial for people wanting to shed some kilos. This can be achieved by eliminating unhealthy and processed snack from your diet and substituting with nuts. The healthy unsaturated fats and minerals like iron, selenium, magnesium from nutswill provide satiety making sure to offset any cravings for junk food.
Chia seeds
Chia seeds are very rich in omega 3 fatty acids and soluble fibre. They are also good source of several minerals, such as calcium, phosphorous, manganese, zinc and copper. The consumption of chia seeds has been associated with reduced risk of developing metabolic syndromes and cardiovascular diseases. They may be combined with any liquid, such as vegetable juice, smoothies or water. The high fibre content of chia seeds will make you feel fuller for a longer time period. Make sure to soak chia seeds before consuming them as they expand and becomes triple in quantity.
Fruits make an important partof a balanced diet and provide good amount of vitamins, minerals, fibre along with antioxidants and phytochemicals. Regular consumption of fruits may help in lowering risk of cancer, heart diseases and improves bowel function. However, certain fruits are high in glycemic index which means they contain high amount of natural sugars and therefore should be consumed moderately. Similarly, fruit juices even fresh ones are concentrated in natural sugars and calories as they lack fibre and hence should be avoided. Consuming 2-3 servings of fruits will provide the associated health benefits
Eggs are rich in protein, low in calories andprovide variety of nutrients like Vitamin A, D, B6, B12 and minerals like zinc, copper and iron. A medium sized egg provides around 60 calories and 6 grams of high biological value protein; this makes eggs a great addition to add to your meals without going overboard with calories. Eggs make up for a super healthy breakfast as eating a protein-rich breakfast increases a person’s satiety and hence a protein rich breakfast leads to a reduction in caloric intake for rest of the day.
Beans and legumes
Legumes and Beans contain carbohydrate, vitamin B, iron, copper, magnesium, manganese, zinc, phosphorous and are naturally low in fat. Scientific research has supported that diet including legumes aids in weight management. The fiber, protein, and complex carbohydrates found in beans and legumes may aid in satiety and they can even be consumed by people with Type 2 diabetes and other metabolic conditions.
Lean meat
A lean meat generally contains low fat content. Skinless chicken, turkey and red meat, such as lamb chops, where the fat is trimmed off are examples of lean meat.Leans meats are a good source of protein, omega-3 fatty acids, vitamin B12, niacin, zinc and iron. Earlier, meats were seen as fattening food group which raises cholesterol and increases risk of cardiovascular diseases. However, with advancement in research, including lean meat in appropriate portions in a well-balanced diet does not raise cholesterol levels or increases risk of cardiovascular diseases. Therefore, adding lean meat to your meals will provide good amount of protein along with other nutrients.
Tuna and Salmon
Besides providing high biological value protein, eating fish is linked with health benefits such as lowering triglycerides, blood pressure and inflammation in the body due to high levels of omega 3 fatty acids. Low in calories, loaded with nutrients and healthy fats makes fish an excellent option to include in meals.
Healthy fats
Not all fats are same, monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats are considered healthiest. Saturated fats can be beneficial when consumed in moderation whereas trans fats increase LDL cholesterol clogging the arteries and trigger inflammation in the body. The best dietitian in North Delhi also says that high fat sources like extra virgin olive oil, coconut oil, ghee, sesame oil and even avocado promotes satiety and helps in reducing overall calorie intake.
Over to you
Eating a particular food might not make you fat but it’s the combinations and portions that matters the most. Portion control is an important factor if you want to stick to a healthier lifestyle. Although, occasionally enjoying your favorite dishes will not be counterproductive but consistency and balance is the key to healthy eating.