With the commencement of the 4th industrial revolution, manual operation is no more the first choice of the market. We are looking for the technology that could make things easier, work faster and give an accurate outcome in abundance. This is the reason companies are reckoning on the technologies like Artificial intelligence and machine learning. These technologies are the face of the coming work culture in which human intervention would be an extinct practice, and machines would tend to work with human brains.
Another important standpoint that must be understood is that whenever artificial intelligence or Machine learning is discussed, People assume that they are just terminators and robots with machine guns and grenades knocking on the door of judgment day. Of course, these posters are not complete hypothetical stuff as Elon Musk says:
“I think the danger of AI is much greater than the danger of nuclear warheads by a lot, and nobody would suggest we allow the world to just build nuclear warheads if they want, that would be insane. And mark my words: AI is more dangerous than nukes”.
These theories could be taken under consideration after ages, but as of now, let us get a rational understanding of the basics of AI, how does it differ from machine learning, and what impact Custom AI Software Development could bring on the current societal change?
Machine learning is the branch of Information technology in which the machines start learning from experience, analyze the data and algorithm and gives a better output without being externally programmed. More is the amount of data fed to it, better would be the processing, and eventually, the result will possibly be better with regards to time and accuracy.
Meanwhile, on a much broader note, Artificial intelligence is the process of inducing human intelligence into a machine. The machine would rationally start performing like an intelligent human being, showing human behaviour, and boosting up productivity beyond imagination.
Both the distinct terminologies are co-related to each other but often they are confused with each other. The major differences between AI and ML are:
Artificial Intelligence | Machine learning |
It stimulates human intelligence into the machines. | It enables the machines to learn from experience without getting programmed. |
The prime objective is to make the machines perform like intelligent humanoids. | The prime objective is to learn from data and give a precise output. |
Basic categories are: Weak AI; General AI; Strong AI. | Basic categories are: Supervised learning; Unsupervised learning; reinforced learning. |
Basic subsets are Machine learning; Deep learning. | Basic subset is: Deep learning. |
It has a broad range of scope. | It possesses a limited scope. |
Example: Siri, Alexa, chatbots. | Example: Google search, social media auto friend suggestion. |
Today, IT managers have an avalanche of opportunities to use AI and ML for diversity and inclusion. Starting from manufacturing, sales to customer service, every individual segment is brimming with the usage of AI and ML. There is no better prospect than self-learning and automation, and these technologies put both on the table.
Certain job roles might get eased by the introduction of artificial intelligence and machine learning. Some of them are:
Advertising and sale agent: An advertising agency is the one that identifies their potential clients and customers to make the sale happen at the highest. The human workforce majorly did the job, but after the technology of ML flourished in the market, The process got automated. It analyses the data at a very large scale and predicts the possible buyers. Further AI helps to highlight the product directly on the customer’s screen, and if they choose to buy, the same portal will redirect them to the payment page.
The marketer of every company is counting on paid ads, social media marketing, and digital promotion. All these methods will emerge with a positive turnaround when they are leveraged by the technologies like artificial intelligence and machine learning.
Research analysts: This domain analyses the market intelligence and figures out the opportunities and new business strategies to ensure and upgrade longevity.
Machine learning technology accumulates and analyses a large pool of market data to give the result more precisely. The dynamic machine learning approach fetches meaningful insight, which helps the enterprise channel the investment in the correct direction and squeezes the maximum out of it.
Logistics: After the global adversity brought by covid 19, The demand for the E-commerce business drastically increased like anything. Following the social distancing norms and delivering the product to the vast pool of customers was swimming upstream.
So, many business pioneers have started using drones and robots to deliver the product to needy customers and adhere to the government stipulation. If the technology of Artificial intelligence was not there, the implementation of drones and robots have never practically got the wings to soar in the digital transforming world.
Impact of AI and ML in our day-to-day life:
If we talk about our daily lives, not only the business world, but these technologies’ impact is also phenomenal. Some of the major benchmarks are:
Healthcare: Identifying the disease by analyzing the algorithm and pattern of symptoms is the method by which artificial intelligence works.
Digital personal assistance: Companies like Microsoft (conversational AI), Amazon (Alexa), and Google (Google Assistant) are changing the face of automated assistance. These enterprises are themselves in the phase of change about digital service.
Entertainment: Web series apps such as Netflix, Amazon Prime, etc., are customized in such a way that, as per the audience’s requirement, it shows the relevant shows, movies, and apps. So, we can say that the entertainment industry has experienced a wide impact due to this technology.
The golden rule of the market and leading Artificial Intelligence Solutions Companies state that either you must stay relevant, or you will stay behind. The transformation phase which the world is experiencing is due to the technologies like machine learning and AI.
No change or revolution happens overnight, but a medium builds the slope of that gradual change and stating the fact would be like AI itself is the face of that change.