Artificial intelligence is a popular branch of computer science which is also known as machine intelligence. It results from analysing the environment and observation under the light of provided information conducted by machine learning through software, after which that particular device or machine acts accordingly.
In the simplest way, it is an advanced game-changer Technology we are experiencing, one great example is the Robots; who act like human beings by picking the ideas by the demonstrated behaviours in a particular environmental situation. This technology has a great impact on our daily life and is expected that soon AI will replace the role of human labour in so many grounds of life, nevertheless, it is gradually doing so.
“I believe that Artificial Intelligence is going to be our partner, if we misuse it, it will be a risk. If we use it right, it can be our partner” – Masayoshi Son Japanese Businessman
How AI works?
In simple words, it is a method which involves the learning of human behaviour and implementing or adopting it similarly by the machines. It mimics the acts and the way of thinking how a human being acts and thinks in a particular situation.
In specific zones and areas of interest, information is being fed with the help of algorithmic functions. In light of this information, the machine then becomes capable of analyzing a scenario given to them or presented in front of them. Then these robotic machines observe the causes and shortcomings including the sources, though if any rectification is needed, they are very much able to correct it by themselves.
With the advancement of Artificial Intelligence, this technology has an undeniable role in the line of production, entertainment, transportation and education.
• Uses of AI in Autonomous vehicles
Driverless cars are shifting our life to a great extent, where human errors which cause frequent cases of road accidents are being eliminated gradually. These autonomous vehicles have AI-enhanced software or computer chips installed, which gathers the information, analyzes the situation on the basis of its surroundings and fed data thus becoming responsible to decide and act on time like a real human being driving a car fully precocious and well aware. This includes the real-time responding in which the system strictly follows the stream of data without pause. Hence, respond quickly whilst driving and navigating on the roads with zero possibility of accidents. It observes the traffic, speed of movement, pedestrians, signals moving bodies and other vehicles too, making distance and the driving rules required with extra measures which have the possibility of unusual driving circumstances.
• Role in the media industry
Artificial Intelligence has a significant role in the media sector as well. Causes a great boost to the film industry with science fiction movies where robots are introduced both for kids and adults. This has changed the way of thinking and brought new opportunities to use in many aspects. The role of AI explains the futuristic possibilities with robotic character inclusive, our planet might come into contact within the near future. Although AI is giving billions of dollars of revenue to the media industry, the game sector is no less demanding but playing a huge role today as well. It wasn’t like this for gamers before, the way gaming becomes immersive today, due to the AI property held by many gaming PCs and game consoles now, delivering a great satisfaction to game enthusiasts in terms of virtual reality. Moreover, AI is becoming pivotal in the security system, leading to very advanced surveillance both in commercial and non-commercial sectors, resulting in minimizing the cybercrime and robbery attempts.
“When that superintelligence goes into robots, those robots with the superintelligence will change our lives” -Masayoshi Son
• Part of AI in the manufacturing industry
With great endurance and reliability of performance, AI-enhanced robotics have replaced a huge amount of human roles in the manufacturing industry. A promise to maintain the high standards of productivity, at the same time a guaranteed acceleration of outcome. AI in the manufacturing process is responsible for super fast management, which detects errors in the production process within no time without stopping the manufacturing process and plants, yet sorts them out very quickly on its own. The maintenance and monitoring of the quality of the product made easy by AI with a very little remaining effort of human supervision which might cause delays of assembly line management if fully shifted back to human labour. Although, AI is not adopted in many manufacturing industries but the way it is getting popular for its production efficiency and low wastage and low-cost packaging including the record-keeping of the stock.
“Automation is no longer just a problem for those working in manufacturing. Physical labour was replaced by robots; mental labour is going to be replaced by AI and software” – Andrew Yang
• Role of AI in the health sector
AI has made easy the diagnosis of complex diseases, preparing medicines, giving free hand to doctors and paramedical staff including the tracking and keeping records of patients and their medical history. Along with advanced diagnostic treatment, AI provides help in conducting surgeries on complicated patients where accuracies are mandatory including the laser treatments.
• AI at your home
Artificial Intelligence has phenomenal achievements in the household sector just the way this technology proves itself in the health and industrial sector. Take an example of robot vacuum cleaners, electric ovens, media streaming on smartphones, Google Assistant, Siri, Alexa, Bixby etc. and all the smart home gadgets. AI is also found in your social media feeds, advertisements, travel services, mapping, billing, chat windows, online assistance on websites, pre-recorded operating systems, a financial sector including online earning platforms and many more.
Now would you ever imagine eradicating artificial intelligence from your everyday life? Would you consider a situation when you have to do all the work both physically and mentally on your own? When your social media accounts didn’t give you authority to tweet or connect with your family and friends? Yes, it is impossible to do so. Though in the future, more is expected to get from AI, its role is not stopped here yet, but the scope of this technology is extremely vast and unpredictable.
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