Actively participating in sports is one of the everyday things among young youths. It comes with a healthier lifestyle which in most cases, develops into a professional career. With a continuous participation in sports, you are guaranteed of good muscular strength, good blood circulation and protection from many types of disease.
All this is not always the case as sports medicine doctor Georgia will statistically confirm that there are numerous reports yearly of people even going to the extent of getting injured for life. People in sports may make a wrong move or make immediate contact with a fierce opposition which includes losing balance to the ground. Here are several injuries which are associated with sports.
Roughly 60% of overuse injuries in athletes take place in the lower extremities, these injuries increase for young athletes playing at college level. Therapy involves remainder as well as adjustment of biomechanical deficiencies, and also must be individualized per professional athlete.
The number of athletes suffering overuse injuries will additionally increase as a result of excessive tissue emphasizes combined with inadequate healing durations. Athletes go back to practice their sport too early. Although there is no agreement on the interpretation of an overuse injury, it is usually accepted that these injuries result from recurring microtrauma without enough time for recuperation. Let’s review some of the most common “wear-and-tear” injuries:
Shoulder Injury
This is one of the most frequent injuries that is experienced in sports, and it includes dislocations, strains and sprains of the ligament. This happens when the body moving parts are stretched way beyond their limit or moving in a direction that is central to how they should be moved usually.
Knee Injuries
When it comes to a knee, it is a very sophisticated part of a leg. It experiences a lot of tears and impact during sporting and thus according to sports medicine doctor Georgi, this is a common injury that every player in their sporting life must come into this type of injury. Some of the common tears include anterior cruciate ligament, dislocations, and fractures.
When a fracture happens, it means that part of a bone has broken, which may result in a difficulty in walking. Most fractures are common in legs, arms and feet which are very painful and take quite long to resume into active sports.
Back Injuries
When doing sports, the back may undergo through strains and stress over time, this continuously may lead to inflammation around the vertebrae resulting in an injury, and often the subject would experience both upper and lower back pain. At times, sudden stress may lead to a painful back injury.
In every contact sport such as football, this type of injury is prevalent which occurs when a sudden impact directed to the head results in the brain lurching at in some cases it may lead to the damage of the tissue which holds it in place. There can be a mild injury and a serious one which can be explained by the sports medicine doctor Georgia after proper examination and the symptoms.
Tennis Elbow
This is one of the repeated injuries that is very common among the players. It leads to the straining of the ligament in the elbow due to the continuous moving the part in a repeated series. It starts with athletes complaining of lack of grip that results in an injury.
Hamstring Strain
It is also referred to as a pulled muscle. It happens when the tissue at the back of the thigh is poorly stretched or not stretched enough while actively engaging in a sporting activity. The athlete will experience bruising at the back of the thigh.
Shin Splints
When experiencing shin splints, the athlete will experience pain in the lower leg bone, also known as the tibia. This type of injury is mostly found in runners whom in most of the sport is running. In most cases, a shin splint is common at the early stages of the athlete season.
Groin Pull
This type of injury is also known as a groin strain. It is experienced when the groin muscle changes its position from the upper-inner thigh to the inner thigh just above the knee. This type of injury often causes a lack of flexibility as it pulls legs together.
With all the above injuries and many more that are associated with sporting activities, it is advisable if they are severe to visit the doctor for examination. This is much advised because if some of these injuries are not addressed early may lead to permanent damage.